Marissa Newby
Nov 9, 2021


The inherent direction was that delineating class by color coded identifiers was to signal that it is reflective to racism but not acknowledged as such, yes. And I agree, it does lack representation for Latino and Asian populations. Indigenous women are also not addressed. Both the novel and the series are problematic, in a few different directions. The reference to puritanical history was a subtle way to highlight the racism inherent in Christianity. Which is a separate issue all together to treat elsewhere. The root of this society is backed in scripture, it wasn't the only thing to address here though. As far as the series, I acknowledge it attempted to make amends early on in the article. However, it is sort of the cinematic equivalent to saying "I have a black friend".



Marissa Newby

Blogger focusing on Emergency Management, Safety, CBRNE matters and Conflict