Russia-Ukraine War: 10 Things You Should Know, Day 747

Marissa Newby
9 min readMar 11, 2024



The Russia-Ukraine War has been a focal point of global attention, marked by a grim power struggle and shocking human rights abuses. This conflict, which emerged from the geopolitical friction between Russia and Ukraine, has rapidly escalated to alarming proportions, fundamentally reshaping the dynamics of regional security.

Understanding the full extent of this situation isn’t just about knowing military tactics or counting casualties — it’s more than that. The war’s significance lies in its far-reaching effects on the international community, from humanitarian crises to economic repercussions and challenges to global peacekeeping efforts.

Within this context, understanding key developments can help us make sense of where this conflict is heading. Hence, this article aims to highlight 10 critical occurrences that have played crucial roles in shaping the current state of the Russia-Ukraine War.

These points cover various aspects of the conflict — military strategy, humanitarian impacts, international response, economic sanctions and more. By exploring these topics, we hope to provide a complete understanding of the conflict’s complicated and changing nature.

1. Limited Advances by Russia

Since the onset of the Russia-Ukraine War, Russian forces have faced a series of challenges in making significant territorial gains. Despite initial expectations of a swift campaign, their progress has been markedly slower and less comprehensive than projected.

Frontline Stagnation

In many areas, the front line has barely moved for months, indicating a stalemate situation. This is attributed to staunch Ukrainian defense and logistical issues on the Russian side.

Strategic Towns

Some advances have been made in capturing key towns, yet these are often temporary and fiercely contested by Ukrainian forces.


The slow pace of advancements suggests a protracted conflict with no clear end in sight. It raises questions about the sustainability of Russia’s military efforts and the possible need for a shift in strategy.

These limited advances hint at the complexity of modern warfare and underscore the resilience of Ukrainian defense systems. The implications reverberate through both military strategies and diplomatic discussions as each side assesses its next moves in this high-stakes chess game.

2. Intensified Fighting in Bakhmut

Bakhmut, an important junction in the transport network of Eastern Ukraine, has seen a significant escalation in violence as the Russia-Ukraine War intensifies. Once a peaceful city known for its cultural heritage and architectural beauty, it now stands as a symbol of the brutal realities of war.

Upon its capture by Russian forces, Bakhmut’s strategic position has elevated its significance in this broader conflict. Situated close to the front line, it serves as a key point for controlling surrounding territories and major transportation routes.

Yet, this strategic advantage comes with a devastating human cost. The occupation has led to:

  • A sharp increase in violence, affecting innocent civilians
  • Widespread destruction of infrastructure
  • Severe disruption to everyday life

Civilians caught in the crossfire face immense hardships — their homes destroyed and lives uprooted. With limited access to essential resources such as food, water, and medical aid, survival becomes a daily struggle. The situation underscores the urgent need for effective ceasefire agreements and robust humanitarian aid initiatives.

3. Mass Displacement of People from Ukraine

The Russia-Ukraine War has caused a large number of people to leave Ukraine, with millions being forced to leave their homes. This is one of the biggest humanitarian crises in recent history.

Scale of Displacement

Reports from the United Nations show that a huge number of people have been forced to leave, with over 6 million refugees going to nearby countries and many more being displaced within Ukraine itself.

Humanitarian Challenges

This displacement has put a lot of pressure on resources, as countries and organizations try to find shelter, food, and medical help for everyone. There are also problems with too many people in refugee camps and not enough support in the communities where they’re staying.

Displaced people are dealing with many difficulties: being separated from family, losing jobs, and the trauma of war. Children are especially affected, with their education being disrupted and their mental health suffering. The world is coming together to help, understanding that there are real people behind these numbers who are going through terrible things.

4. Humanitarian Crisis in Besieged Cities

In the Russia-Ukraine War, besieged cities across Ukraine have become the epicenters of a severe humanitarian crisis. The relentless conflict has left civilians facing shortages of food, water, and medical supplies, with limited access to essential services. Mariupol stands as a stark example, where reports have highlighted the catastrophic conditions endured by residents.

The advances of Russian forces exacerbate these situations by damaging critical infrastructure and disrupting humanitarian aid routes. In cities like Sieverodonetsk and Lysychansk, intense fighting has led to:

  • Destruction of homes and public buildings
  • Disrupted supply lines causing scarcity of necessities
  • Hospitals overwhelmed with casualties and lacking medical supplies

These developments underscore the urgent need for unimpeded humanitarian access to support the afflicted civilian populations within these urban battlegrounds.

5. Cease-Fire Failures and Ongoing Violations

The Russia-Ukraine War has been marked by cease-fire failures and ongoing violations, particularly Russian shelling, which severely hinder peace efforts. Cease-fires are crucial for allowing humanitarian aid to reach affected populations and for creating the necessary conditions for diplomatic dialogue.

Repeated Breakdown of Cease-Fires

Attempts to halt the fighting temporarily have repeatedly collapsed. Despite announcements from both sides agreeing to allow civilians to evacuate or to let humanitarian aid pass, these pauses in fighting have been short-lived.

Impact of Russian Shelling on Peace Efforts

The continuation of hostilities, especially the incidence of Russian shelling even during declared cease-fires, has led to a pervasive distrust between the conflicting parties. This distrust undermines the potential for successful negotiations and prolongs the suffering of those caught in the crossfire.

Cease-fire violations not only worsen the humanitarian situation but also show how unstable and unpredictable this conflict is. The pattern of agreed truces followed by rapid degeneration back into hostilities highlights how difficult it is to achieve a lasting peace in this war-torn region.

6. International Response: Diplomatic Efforts and Sanctions

The Russia-Ukraine War has not only garnered global attention, but also instigated an international response mainly in the form of sanctions against Russia. This wave of punitive measures intensified following Ukrainian President Zelenskyy’s appeal for increased sanctions.

Zelenskyy’s Appeal

The Ukrainian leader made a fervent plea to the international community, seeking to pressure Russia through stringent economic sanctions. His goal: to impede Russia’s military campaign and force a peaceful resolution.

Effectiveness of Sanctions

Evaluating the impact of these measures is complex. On one hand, they’ve inflicted significant damage on Russia’s economy with a plummeting ruble and isolation from global financial systems. Yet, the conflict persists, suggesting limited influence on the ground situation.

Diplomatic Measures

Attempts at diplomacy have included numerous cease-fire negotiations and peace talks. While these efforts have been fraught with difficulties, they underscore the international community’s commitment to a peaceful resolution.

7. Role of Belarus and Suspected Russian Involvement

As the Russia-Ukraine War continues to unfold, the involvement of neighboring countries comes into sharper focus. Belarus, traditionally an ally of Russia, has been under scrutiny for its role in the conflict. Satellite photos have surfaced hinting at military activities within Belarusian territory that suggest a level of collaboration with Russia. These activities include:

  • Troop movements
  • The establishment of logistic hubs
  • Possible launch sites for missiles or aircraft

The implications for regional security are profound. With Belarus potentially acting as a staging ground for Russian operations, concerns grow about the expansion of conflict zones and the strain on international relations in Eastern Europe. This situation emphasizes the complex geopolitical landscape surrounding the Russia-Ukraine War and raises questions about the future stability of the region.

Suspected Russian involvement through Belarus adds another dimension to an already multifaceted conflict, highlighting not only military strategies but also diplomatic challenges facing neighboring countries and the international community.

8. Strategies of Ukrainian Resistance

Amid the ongoing Russia-Ukraine War, Ukrainian resistance strategies have been pivotal in countering Russian aggression. The resilience and determination exhibited by the Ukrainian forces are indeed noteworthy.

Strategic Flooding

One tactic gaining attention is the strategic flooding of certain areas. This methodology, employed to slow down or halt the progression of enemy forces, has proven effective in previous conflicts and appears to be part of Ukraine’s defensive arsenal.

How Flooding Works as a Tactic

The purposeful flooding of areas is a time-tested method used in warfare to create natural barriers against invading forces. By inundating certain regions, Ukraine aims to impede Russian military advances, turning geography into an ally.

This measure, along with others, illustrates the resolve of Ukrainians in their fight for sovereignty. Their strategy includes not just military tactics but also a strong psychological component: maintaining morale among their troops and citizenry despite the overwhelming odds.

These strategies, however complex or simple they may seem, underscore a nation’s resolve to safeguard its freedom and independence in the face of formidable opposition.

9. Human Cost: Casualties and the Challenge of Establishing an Accurate Death Toll

Within the grim contours of the Russia-Ukraine War, assessing human cost remains a daunting challenge. From soldiers who gave up their lives defending their homeland to civilians caught in the relentless crossfire, casualties are mounting.

Official records and news reports offer conflicting figures. While precise numbers remain elusive, it’s undeniable that each digit represents a life lost, a family shattered.

  • The United Nations reported over 13,000 deaths since the conflict’s inception. However, these figures are often contested due to underreporting and difficulties in data collection amidst active conflict zones.
  • A significant number of casualties are civilians, including children. Their lives have been tragically abbreviated by indiscriminate shelling and sniper fire.
  • Military deaths on both sides remain difficult to ascertain. The fog of war obscures accurate data collection, thereby hindering comprehensive assessments of loss.

In a war where each bullet has a story and every bomb leaves a scar, the struggle to quantify death tolls reflects the devastating human cost of this ongoing conflict.

10. Economic and Political Consequences: Impact of Sanctions on Russia

The Russia-Ukraine War has been met with a robust international response, particularly in the form of economic sanctions against Russia. These punitive measures have had significant ramifications for Russia’s economy.

  1. Severe Economic Downturn: The Russian economy is experiencing a steep downturn as a result of these sanctions. The ruble, Russia’s currency, has plummeted to record lows, while inflation rates are soaring. This economic instability has led to panic buying among Russian citizens and widespread fears of an impending financial crisis.
  2. Isolation from Global Financial Systems: Many countries have blocked Russian banks’ access to the SWIFT payment system, severely limiting their ability to transact internationally. This move has isolated Russia from global financial systems and further exacerbated their economic woes.
  3. Political Repercussions: Internally, these economic hardships may lead to dissatisfaction among the Russian populace, putting pressure on President Putin’s administration. Externally, the geopolitical landscape is also changing with several nations reassessing their diplomatic relations with Moscow.

The recent measures taken by the U.S., including limiting Russia’s access to high tech imports and freezing assets of key Russian individuals and entities only intensify the impact of these sanctions. It appears that these actions aim not only to halt the current conflict but also to deter any future aggression.

Staying Informed and Supporting Resolutions

Staying updated on the latest developments in the Russia-Ukraine War is crucial. This knowledge empowers us to engage in informed discussions, and it raises awareness about the dire situation that countless civilians are facing daily.

There are multiple reliable news outlets and social media platforms that offer real-time updates on the conflict. Be sure to verify your sources to avoid spreading misinformation, as this can undermine efforts towards a peaceful resolution.

Your voice matters. Use it to:

  • Spread accurate information about the war
  • Advocate for peaceful resolutions
  • Counter false narratives

In addition to staying informed, there are practical ways you can contribute towards peace:

  1. Support humanitarian organizations: Numerous NGOs and aid agencies are working tirelessly on the ground to provide emergency relief supplies, medical care, shelter, and food to those displaced or affected by the war. Donating to such organizations can make a significant difference.
  2. Advocate for political action: Contact your local representatives or use your platform to call for stronger international intervention and support for Ukraine.
  3. Show solidarity: Attend peaceful protests, vigils, or other events aimed at showing support for Ukraine.

Remember, every little bit helps when it comes to supporting resolutions and ending a conflict that has caused immense suffering.



Marissa Newby

Blogger focusing on Emergency Management, Safety, CBRNE matters and Conflict